
Boutique Apartment, 2020

  • Client Intro

An experienced property investor and developer with multiple apartments in Scotland’s Perthshire hired us to completely transform three apartments in an old block in Dunkeld.

  • Scope/Client Brief

Second of our three flat project in Dunkeld, this was the toughest one! This was an old storage space and had a front door so small, we practically had to crawl to get in! Our mission was to turn this tiny attic space into a one-bed apartment!

  • Challenges

Once we did manage to crawl in we were greeted with an open plan space with a single sink in the corner! To make this habitable we needed to connect services and then carefully craft everything necessary around them. Being a loft, any activity that requires standing up needed to be placed at the highest point of the room! So the layout had to fold around head height – this dictated the location of the cooker, shower and toilet and the rest followed. With a tight staircase to top all our nightmares the furniture selection was limited – let’s just say the sofa is unlikely to come out the flat anytime soon!

  • Interior Design Solution

By raising the ceiling we achieved more space allowing for a standard door and room height! This then provided a blank canvas to carefully squeeze everything in a holiday maker would want – a kitchenette with a breakfast bar for dining, a corner sofa for comfortable lounging, a souble size bedroom and an en-suite shower room. Decorated in romantic bohemian finishes it creates a beautiful and relaxing “nest” for travellers to enjoy.
Interested in Improving your Holiday Let? Why not read one of our handy Blog Guides- 15 Tips for your Holiday Let Interior Design