
Colonial Getaway, 2023

Client Intro

This was Sammy’s second holiday let she entrusted us with in Perthshire’s Blairgowrie. We came up with a number of themes but in the end she settled on an oldie worldy feel which we aptly named Colonial.

Scope/Client Brief

This, like the earlier industrial apartment, was again a full renovation. Once again, a picture says more than a thousand words! We went for a few key areas of the apartment we really wanted to emphasise in our design and the imagery, which would follow. Boom!


Located directly above the previous Industrial renovation, we knew what was coming. Larger furniture items would need to be avoided due to the tricky communal staircase of the building. Floors would be wonky again so choosing a forgiving surface material and a talented fitter was key! The kitchen was going to be tight too and this time we opted for making use of the adjoining utility to give us some more space!

Interior Design Solution

Ok, so this theme is colourful, warm, and textured. It’s all teak tones and rattan wherever we could sneak it! The wallpaper in the rattan came design is so clever! Cheap alternative to real webbing and you could never tell from the pictures! The bedroom is cosy with a genuine Balinese mosquito net and hardwood furnishings and the same rattan wallpaper reappears in the lounge, which really sells this flat! This is the money shot right here – banging burnt orange feature wall colour which talks to the carefully chosen art and furnishings in the room.